Welcome to City Players at the Corner Playhouse

Coming Soon...

Next Production

'Gaslight' by Patrick Hamilton

Tickets now available.
Click here for further details

About Us

City Players was created in 1954 by  Brian Errat, Mary Naylor, Pat Kay and Nick Di Nitto.

Over the years the Society has rehearsed in many different venues; cellars in Langsett Road and Fulwood Road, 20 years at Eckington Hall and now 30 years at The Corner Playhouse in Eckington, Derbyshire.

Some 17 years ago we turned our Rehearsal rooms into the theatre we all love and cherish, in which we perform at least three productions a year to an auditorium that has 72 seats.

The Corner Playhouse boasts three front facing lighting bars and two sides facing, with on stage bars which allow us to design lighting effects for the majority of productions, all the lamps being fed from a multi channel mixing and dimmer board.

The theatre has a state of the art audio system with multiple speakers fed from a computerised cueing system and multi channel mixing boards. Both sound and lights are controlled from a room designed specifically for purpose with audio and video links to the stage.

There is a foyer and bar area where our audience can enjoy pre-show and interval drinks. We are now fully licensed to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption in the theatre.

We currently have a membership of around twenty but we are always in the market for new people to come and join. City Players is the perfect group for first timers as we always try to cast productions from within the society, so members are certain of being cast in productions irrespective of experience.

If you have any comments or suggestions then please get in touch via our contacts page. Your feedback is always welcome and we endeavour to act upon your suggestions.

We hope to see you soon at The Corner Playhouse as a member of the society or as an audience member.


Corner Playhouse External

The Corner Playhouse

Corner Playhouse Foyer

The Corner Playhouse foyer

Corner Playhouse Foyer

The Corner Playhouse foyer

Corner Playhouse Auditorium

The Corner Playhouse auditorium

City Players Team

The City Players team